Personal Reflection:
This poem came to me in the stillness of the night. Waking suddenly, I felt grief and anxiety begin to stir—grief morphing into anxiety, as it so often does. I wanted to escape it, picking up my phone, searching for distraction. But then, a message appeared from my dear friend, soul sister, and artist, Carin Vagle. She introduced me to an artist named Ganavya.
A Love Supreme played through a shared video, and my heart instantly opened. I sought more and found Ganavya’s album Daughter of a Temple. I hit play, and as her prayerful lyrics and healing frequencies filled the room, I softened. The grief I had tried to escape now poured through me, finding a home in the notes section of my phone.
This moment felt like an answer to my prayer. My daily practice this past week of Lore (Lifestyle of Reverence Everyday) led by the Beloved Qoya Creator, Rochelle Scheick, who invited me to set embodied intentions that connect with what my soul most needs. Just hours before, my intention was to let go with grace—to release anything standing in the way of this new beginning before me, on this New Moon in Sagittarius. How grateful I am for the sacred synchronicities that find me, the earthly angels disguised as beloved friends, and the practices that support my path.
They say the truth will set you free, what Sagittarius often longs for. This night, I found a little more freedom, thanks to the reverence of Ganavya’s music, the language of her soul, and the sacred expression it stirred in me. In that listening and pouring, a new language was born in me—a healing balm that I feel called to share with you now.
May this offering bring the healing balm to those who are in need of it.
With Love,
The Union of Grief and Love - Healing in the Shadow of Grief
I awoke with this feeling of loneliness.
From where?
From those who left the earthly plane my heart longs.
For those who left, who remain on this earthly plane, but now distanced from me.
Torn open by the grief that broke them when they left.
Grief needed an outlet, a place to lay blame,
and so, word by word, blame came for me— a flurry of misunderstanding of intentions.
Grief became anger.
Grief became fear.
Grief became fleeing.
Grief became abandonment on all sides.
The connection that bound us broke when death came calling.
Left in the darkness and density of shock, we broke open silently,
until the silence became too loud.
Loud turned to projections of unresolved pain and suffering—
wounds that had not had a chance to breathe or speak.
And so it became about what it was not.
Masked with confusion.
Reasons to hold on to what no longer was became the focus.
Desperate for peace.
Desperate for resolution.
Some settled for war.
Some settled for disconnection.
Some settled for boundaries
that served the silence and distance needed to reclaim grief as sacred.
To reclaim grief as central to the process of healing life without the one who left this earthly plain.
What if grief brought truth to the loneliness that always existed,
so when confronted with it we were presented with the opportunity to heal it?
A deep wound whose destiny was always to find union.
Perhaps awakening to this truth is the beginning of this healing journey.
To offer words of truth so we might find connection with others,
with those who can relate.
And perhaps in that relating, we find our way home to the love that always was
and still can be.
And now, days, months, some years later,
awakening to the emptiness of the loss that still remains—to the ones who never left,
who still remain, but so far, far away, in all ways.
Lost to the grief that has not, and will not, heal until one steps forward to find resolve.
Who will answer the call to courageously step forward,
to repair what was broken in the midst of their grief?
Misplaced grief.
Only time will tell.
Until then, may our hearts lead us to that moment before more time passes.
Reparation is hard to do when one leaves this earthly plane.
May we believe we are worthy of resolution and repair whilst we still live.
May loneliness dissolve back into the love that always was,
whilst it was temporarily misplaced.
This is my prayer.
For me, for you, for all of us.
With A Love Supreme,
Angharad 💫
PS. Here is the album that blessed me this night. Thank you Ganavya 🙏🏻. Thank you Carin Vagle 🙏🏻
PPS. Here is my beloved Earth Angel, SiStar Carin Vagle sacred work.
PPPS. A link to my own sacred work, birthed through my loss of Mark and Jason. Astrological Counseling and Alchemizing Grief sessions using Astrology as a tool, a resource and opportunity to find our legacy from our losses. Offering a Gratitude rate of $111 per 75min sessions until Dec 17th 2024 ( honoring Jason's 2nd Heavenly birth date).
PPPPS. A link to LORE ( Lifestyle of Reverence Everyday)